Men should watch their weight to avoid fertility problems

Men should watch their weight to avoid fertility problems

Men should watch their weight to avoid fertility problems

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The infertility around the world is on the rise. And the main contributing factor to it, apart from worsening ecology, may be obesity among men. The doctoral research in the University of Tartu Institute of Clinical Medicine confirmed that obesity negatively affects male fertility parameters.

The proportion of overweight men has tripled, which positively correlates with the increase in fertility problems worldwide. According to the statistics of World Health Organization, there are around 2 billion overweight adults. Although there were many researches that tried to link overweight with fertility, not all the results are unanimous. What is certain, however, is that increased weight has a negative correlation with testosterone levels and thus, negatively affects sperm quality.

Kristel Ehala-Aleksejev, who was the author of the thesis and who is also a nutritional therapist, confirmed that men could do a lot for their health. “They should try to keep physically active, move, and if possible, do sports. They should include more fruit and vegetables and whole-grain products in their diet. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are notable risk factors of infertility. However, mental health or ability to alleviate stress and finding time for themselves and their loved ones is no less important.”

Nowadays one in six couples in fertile age have experienced problems with conceiving a child. 50% of those cases can be explained by the male factor fertility problems.

Female obesity has also negative impacts on fertility and IVF outcomes. A recent multicenter analysis studied the outcomes of IVF conducted to women of different weight groups. It turned out that the risk of cycle cancellation was higher for obese and overweight patients compared to normal and underweight women.



Based on the aticle by Medical Daily

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