The blood flowing in the baby’s veins is the surrogate’s blood
False. The surrogate’s and baby’s blood systems never intercommunicate, no blood ‘connection’ can ever be established between the baby and the surrogate, even though there are some ‘medical experts’ who believe so.
The surrogate gives up the baby that genetically belongs to her
False. It only becomes possible in case of the so-called traditional surrogacy programme that has been in practice for many years and is officially allowed by law in a number of countries, such as the US, for instance. This type of programme implies a ‘reproductive’ rather than a ‘surrogate’ mother because here she acts as an oocyte-donor with an egg inseminated by the client’s sperm. In this case the Russian legislation stipulates that the biological father’s name, if he recognizes the paternity (in the US it is done without the father’s consent), and the reproductive mother’s name should be on the birth certificate. The biological father’s wife, if any, cannot act as the baby’s mother on the birth certificate in Russia. If the attorney you’ve turned to says you can do that, it’s the first sign of his or her insufficient qualification or experience.
Well, there are various ways of spelling the word ‘surrogacy’ or ‘surrogate’. The most sophisticated one is probably ‘sarrogacy’ or ‘surogacy’. You would often come across with such ads as ‘looking for a surogate mother’ or ‘for surogacy’. However, the spelling of this word is not quite like that. The word ‘surrogate’ with double ‘t’ means ‘partial substitution’. Thus, the surrogate mother is the one who substitutes but not ‘replaces completely’ as she is not related to the child genetically.
Surrogate services are available for officially married couples only
False. According to the Russian law (Paragraph IV, Article 51 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, to be more precise), marriage is only one of the requirements for obtaining the permission to put the intended parents’ names on the birth certificate. That’s quite similar of adoption: single unmarried people are not allowed to adopt. Thus, you do not have to be married to start a surrogacy programme.BUT You will need your marriage certificate when you come to the registry office to have your baby registered. If you are not officially married, it is the surrogate that will be on the birth certificate then. So, you will have to get married officially anyway. Why not do that before starting the programme?
According to Article 35 of the ‘Russian Civil Health Security Act’, an unmarried woman is entitled to the right to IVF and embryo implantation. Upon delivery, she is to be put on the birth certificate as the baby’s mother. That can only happen upon the surrogate’s consent.
The surrogate gives up the baby in the maternity hospital
False. One can’t give up something or someone that belongs to them. Upon delivery, the surrogate mother gives her consent on putting the intended parents’ names on the birth certificate. She also signs an official agreement certifying her consent.
You have to have two children of your own to make a surrogate
False. According to Order 67 issued by the Russian Health Ministry one child will be enough.
If the surrogate decided to keep the child, you have nothing to do but to put up with that
False. According to the law, you can dispute both the maternity and paternity (Article 52 of the Russian Family Code). The names put on the birth certificate as the parents’ names can be questioned in court by the person who is the actual mother or father of the child. That’s why the law company demands so many documents on your part.
The surrogate baby will resemble the surrogate mother
False. The child can’t look like the surrogate because they are not genetically related.
The surrogate has 72 hours (sometimes 48 hours) to make the decision as to whether she will keep the baby or she will give it up for the intended parents
False. The law does not fix the term during which the surrogate can give her consent on putting the biological parents’ name in the registry book.
Surrogacy is a blasphemy and it is against God
False. Two biblical prophets, Abraham and Jacob, turned to surrogate mothers. Only incompetent Christians can call surrogacy a blasphemy. ‘Be fruitful and multiply’, if God allows us to do so having created science.
Source: Rosjurconsulting