SHURA would like to become a father. And he is looking for a surrogate mother.

SHURA would like to become a father. And he is looking for a surrogate mother.

1280 720 Surrogacy in Russia and Abroad

Singer SHURA

At the beginning of May, Shura during the NTV TV program said that he had been thinking of becoming a single father – with the help of a surrogate mother. The singer told the audience about his dream – he wants to buy a country house and a beautiful garden, where his children will play. He said that he was ready to bring up two children at once and first of all give them love and attention – that what he wanted to have on his own childhood. Shura many times told about bad relationships with his mother (he is trying to establish relations), and the father did not take part in the education of his son.

Shura decided to become a father after a long – and successful – fight against drugs and cancer. It was the oncology that caused the singer to leave the stage and not to appear in public in 2000s. Alexander (this is the real name of the artist) had to remove one testicle and undergo 18 painful chemotherapy courses.

In 2017, Shura announced his desire to adopt a child, but now he speaks only about the surrogacy and IVF procedure. He is going to participate in the surrogacy program as a single father. Shura is following the example of Philip Kirkorov and Sergei Lazarev, who have become happy fathers and are doing wellwith these roles.

At the moment the singer is giving all the necessary medical tests to participate in the surrogacy program in one of the Moscow clinics.

On May 5, 2018 Shura took part in the TV program “The Secret for A Million”, where he told about his desire to become a father. During the TV program, Svetlana, the experienced surrogate mother, who successfully participated in several surrogacy programs. She told Alexander about IVF, about how the surrogacy program is going and about its estimated cost.

Svetlana also told Shura that all the future parents of the children she was pregnant with visited her at the clinic and maternity hospital and maintained contact with her. The only important circumstance that was not mentioned during the program is that Shura is the future single father and in his case it is necessary to prepare especially carefully for the registration of his children’s documents, know all the legal subtleties.

We applied to “Rosjurconsulting”, the only law firm in Russia that offers organization and legal support for the program for single men and even obtaining a birth certificate for a “surrogacy” child.

The comment of “Rosjurconsulting”:

The program of surrogacy for a single man in Russia is absolutely legal. Nowadays hundreds of our compatriots have already become single fathers with the help of surrogate mothers, so there is no need to go a million states away. The use of own surrogate mother’s oocytes in Russia is prohibited by law, in addition to a surrogate mother, the future father will need help from an oocyte donor to conceive a child. Upon the completion of the program, the newly-made father legally obtains a certificate stating his name in the “father” column and with a dash in the “mother” column, but at the same time – unlike married couples – single men for obtaining the first document for the newborn should apply to the court. It is important to obtain qualified legal assistance before starting the program, since the procedure for processing the package of documents required for the registration of a single child through a court is substantially different from the standard one.

Well, we wish Shura the realization of his dream – becoming a good father!

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